Raising a child is expensive and often requires both parents’ contributions. In circumstances of divorced or separated parents, it is not uncommon for a parent to avoid paying their fair share. Thankfully, there are ways to enforce the payment of court-ordered child support. 

My Child’s Father/Mother Isn’t Paying Child Support… Now What?

A child support agreement can be decided fairly by parents and approved by a judge, or a judge can determine the agreement if parents cannot agree. Child support agreements vary by income and how many children there are. The bottom line is: There is an ongoing obligation to financially support your child. This is true in every state, and if you run into issues collecting this for your child, there are things that can be done. 

If your child’s mother or father is not paying their share, you have the Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984 on your side. This act allows attorneys to help you collect court-ordered child support if a parent is refusing to pay. 

With the help of an attorney, you will know your rights and can avoid confronting the parent yourself. The attorney will reach out on your behalf and has the ability to press further legal action against the parent. 

How to Enforce Child Support

Young child in green jacket leaning against tree

Dealing with a parent who is not following through on an agreement is frustrating. It should help you to know that there are laws behind you. The right attorney will have knowledge and experience to help you recoup the child support you are owed. In every state supporting a child financially is taken seriously and not paying can be met with serious ramifications. 

1. Seek Help

There are a few different routes you can take when meeting this problem. You may start with the department of children social services in your county. If this doesn’t prove helpful, going to a private child support collection agency is an option. This is where they will work with investigators to track down the parent and find out the reason they are not paying. 

2. Go to Court 

Typically if you have been struggling to get child support for 6 months, it’s time to get the court involved. There are ways the court can legally hold the parent liable including: 

  • Withhold federal tax return
  • Garnish wages 
  • Seize property
  • Suspend an occupational, business or driver’s license
  • Refuse passport 
  • Hold in contempt of court

3. Hire an Attorney

If you have exhausted government agencies, private companies, and court (or choose to skip them), you should contact a family law attorney

Your attorney will serve papers to the delinquent parent. These papers will propose coming up with a payment arrangement and will warn of the consequence of no payment. The attorney will request the fullest legal consequence for not paying and can help you recoup money past due. 

Get Help from a Family Law Attorney

Thankfully, the law is on your side in these frustrating situations. Even if the parent moves out of state or loses their job, payment must be made and you are able to enforce it with the help of an attorney. 

An attorney will take over the stress and deal with the parent on your behalf. Contact the Law Office of Jeff E. Jared for support today.